Creative Philosophy

Painting with Light

I describe my process as painting with light.

Parrot Tulip 1

.  First, to create the story, I select and compose the subject. To expose the subject on the film, I set the amount and quality of light through studio lights, filters, aperture, and shutter speed.

·      Second, from the film a negative is created. In the darkroom, I place the negative in an enlarger to create the print size.

The secret of a good black & white print is to control the tonal range (from the blackest blacks to whitest whites and everything in between). To manage the tonal range, I control the amount and quality of light through aperture and filters, and exposure times. Exposure times are determined for specific sections of the print which is called dodging (less light) and burning (extra light).

.To view creative highlights on selected images click Painting with Light download.

·      Notes:

Untitled Orchid 1

o  A poorly composed image on film cannot be corrected in the darkroom.

o  A quality composition may require multiple printing attempts to achieve the desired results.

o  Once the print has been processed through the chemical bath, if it is not a quality print, it is destroyed.

By Dale Reid

Contemporary fine art photographer Dale M Reid took charge of her destiny by making a commitment to herself and her life partner and soulmate.
Reid’s belief in herself has allowed her to chart a new course in life as a full-time professional artist and transgender woman. As Dale transitioned through her new life journey, she developed technical skills, questioned convention, trusted her instincts, and with her passion, was able to craft a distinctive artistic voice. Her artwork ranges from classical to sensual to erotic and engages the viewer to question what they see.