
e-Newsletter ~ July 11, 2022

Summer Edition

Welcome Friends,

Summer 2022 has finally arrived, and hopefully after two years of restrictions, we can achieve a form of normalcy.

Spring has been an active period on the news front! Reflecting on how to best describe the content of this edition of my e-newsletter, one word came to my mind — International.

I hope you are enjoying the new layout of this publication. The design provides an overview of the article and when you click the detailed article is available.

Now, pour your favorite beverage and sit back and enjoy.

As always, I enjoy hearing from my friends. I encourage you to share your thoughts on of the topics.

Enjoy your summer. Please stay safe and healthy.

To read e-newsletter, please click here.</

By Dale Reid

Contemporary fine art photographer Dale M Reid took charge of her destiny by making a commitment to herself and her life partner and soulmate.
Reid’s belief in herself has allowed her to chart a new course in life as a full-time professional artist and transgender woman. As Dale transitioned through her new life journey, she developed technical skills, questioned convention, trusted her instincts, and with her passion, was able to craft a distinctive artistic voice. Her artwork ranges from classical to sensual to erotic and engages the viewer to question what they see.